In an effort to make sure you know everything you could possibly need to know about the Bethlehem Skateplaza Grand Opening- here’s everything you need to know:
The Bethlehem Skateplaza’s address is 1325 Steel Ave. Bethlehem, PA 18015 (It’s across the street from the Sands Casino)
The Grand Opening is a 3-day long event. It’s ALL FREE, open to ALL AGES and once the skateplaza opens- it too will be FREE & for all ages.
Thanks to Jeff Pang and DC Shoes, The Berrics will be covering and our Grand Opening Event and we might even make it on Fuel TV.
Volunteers Needed! I know everyone is psyched for the plaza but we need people to donate some time to really support it this weekend. Please call the Bethlehem Parks & Rec Department and volunteer: 610–865-7080
Now thoroughly read the flyer for the more information about Friday & Saturday’s events:

public parking for the bethlehem skateplaza grand opening
Now that we’re 1 WEEK OUT one of the biggest issues regarding the Grand Opening of the Bethlehem Skateplaza is. . . . . WHERE DO I PARK?!
Keep these points in mind:
- The 2 closest parking lots to the Bethlehem Skateplaza will be reserved for City Officials, guest skaters, performers, volunteers and residents.
- We want to encourage people to use the public parking lots throughout the Southside. Street parking is limited and local residents use it to get to their homes. By considering them, we can keep neighborhood relations nice. Plus, there are many lots that are a short skate to the plaza too.
- USE THE HUGE FREE PARKING LOT BY LYNN AVE. There is more than enough parking here and it’s an easy walk or skate down 412 to the skateplaza.
Just look for the signs posted up on 412.

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